It's quite hectic days for me this week since I've been buzz with interview session and settle scholarship forms and just got home few days ago lepastu sibuk pulak dengan rehearsal graduasi tapi takpe all is well now .
So today, I am officially graduated high school student, Alhamdulillah, All praised to HIM even though banyak sangat conflict .
Student rebel taknak grad dekat hotel come on kami nak suasana sekolah 😢 At least juniors dapat tengok kitorang terima sijil lepastu lagi bersemangat nak study . We want the echo sound from each floor clapping for us !
Been a tradition since long time ago only 5A s and above with credits only managed to grad . How about the others ? They've been working so hard like us just fate doesnt belong to them yet ?
Why percentage pergi grads sikit ? because of the fees told ya tak semua orang born with silver spoon fed in their mouths . Ugh just do it like the tradition as always cant we ?
Kenapa hotel yang sama je ? From grad to form 5 annual dinner to prefect dinner like every prefect got their own dinner and everything were held at the hotel . No speciality anymore. Just feel like our 3rd home to us .
Anyway congrats to my batchmate and buddies we did it !
Student rebel taknak grad dekat hotel come on kami nak suasana sekolah 😢 At least juniors dapat tengok kitorang terima sijil lepastu lagi bersemangat nak study . We want the echo sound from each floor clapping for us !
Been a tradition since long time ago only 5A s and above with credits only managed to grad . How about the others ? They've been working so hard like us just fate doesnt belong to them yet ?
Why percentage pergi grads sikit ? because of the fees told ya tak semua orang born with silver spoon fed in their mouths . Ugh just do it like the tradition as always cant we ?
Kenapa hotel yang sama je ? From grad to form 5 annual dinner to prefect dinner like every prefect got their own dinner and everything were held at the hotel . No speciality anymore. Just feel like our 3rd home to us .
Anyway congrats to my batchmate and buddies we did it !
where are boys ? oh they are at back because they didn't fit this stage throw rocks at them .